Friday, December 31, 2010

A new year (from your service provider)....

As 2010 comes to a close i am reminded at how blessed I am to be here. There are many loved ones that werent privileged to spend this entire year with us. For that I thank God for more borrowed time in his grace. A new year brings new: opportunities, challenges, setbacks, journies, and blessings. My advice to you is to be realistic. Dont make a resolution that has no solution. We are our worst critic so rather you divulge your skeletons on a mountain or in meditation behind closed doors; do it.
Be good to someone. Put a smile on someone's face. Love someone! Take the time to get on your knees and humble yourself to something greater than you. If you have a beef with someone squash it. Time waits for no man or woman. Maximize your time.
The word for 2011 is LOVE. Not that prideful or boastful kind. That old school juke joint look into my eyes and see everything that you wish for love. Love your kids for who they are. Bask at their accomplishments. Guide them through life's challenges. Put your arms around them and kiss them.
Im not going to end this with some ryhme with 2011. I will end with this. Its a new year be happy you get to see it!
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas!

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Posing again

Here are the girls posing again....
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I am so blessed...

Although these little divas are a handful I wouldnt trade them for the world! Mom the girls love their new outfit.
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