Good morning, good afternoon, and good night. My name is Shawn Stephens. In short that is all alot of people know about me, however there are many different levels that make-up exactly who I am. Let's get the vitals out of the way:
- Born 06/02/1977 6-something in the am
- Wichita KS (Wesley Medical Center)
- Baby of 3 to Freddie Lee Stephens and Denice Hendrix
- Currently living in the biggest country/state of Texas
- Diploma earned May 1995 from the best basketball school in Kansas (Wichita South)
- Degree eaned May 2001 from Kansas State University
- 2 Beautiful Baby girls (I know life is going to be interesting..haha)
So now that is out of the way let's catch you up on where my life is right now. On March 23rd the Lord blessed us with another baby girl who I decided to name Zoe Ava. We already have 1 baby girl who is 17 months going on 2 1/2 named Amaya Lynn. Happiness is definitely in the air along with the excitement of what God has in store for me. This past year has probably been the most exilirating, rewarding, interesting, stressful, uncertain time of my life. Some days are better than others but with God all around me I know that nothing go falter.
Professionally I continue to better myself and be an asset to my company (Republic National). My current title is Microstrategy Support Analyst. Recently got word that we got another new boss; inside joke..haha. Anyways I consider myself to have work ADD, meaning that I have to constantly have more than 1 project on my plate to feel useful (definitely trying to cure myself of that).
Spiritually I am not where I want to be. I grew up in a devout Penecostal family that went to church almost everytime the doors were open. My mother is a steadfast praying woman who I know has sent some prayers up (on behalf of me) and I have reaped the blessings (thanks mom). I pray and ask God for guidance everyday in these trying times. For those who read this section and are religious please continue to pray for me.
Personally I continue to heal and recieve more clarity on what my role in life is. Currently I am post stressed out and staying calm to see the forrest above the trees. This past year I have endured many changes in my life that has taught me when, where, and how to give my love.