I found it fitting that I submit these thoughts and experiences in light of the upcoming Father's day celebration. I've never really been one to truly celebrate Father's day partly because my relationship with my father hasn't been as close as others have been afforded. So I have never truly understood or respected the true role of a father until God blessed me with Zoe and Amaya. Through their eyes I can respect the fact that my success directly affects their barometer of a man's success. That my respect for their mother directly affects their standard for success in men they date in the future. That my love for God will directly affect how they learn to love God. Since I have became a father I have made it my mission to be more than the examples I was exposed to, to be more loving than the masculine love I was shown, and to be closer to God than the men in my childhood. No soapbox here because I thank God for the experiences I have endured and been blessed with because they comprise the man that I am today.
Which leads me to the basis of this post. Today I was told that the "Role of a father is not as important as a mother's. Children only need their fathers at certain points in their lives." I must admit that I was taken back by this statement because the person that told me it was raised mainly by their father (God rest his soul). Whether that statement was made out of anger, malice, or just plain oversight; it is wrong in every sense. I believe that the lack of respect for fathers is 2-fold; the lack of physically present fathers and the abundance of deadbeat fathers in our society. I constantly remind myself that although my marriage didnt work the way I dreamed it to that wouldn't prevent me from being the father that I dreamed for my girls. When I have my girls (which until the near future is 50% of the time (more than most fathers)) I am present and involved. Am I a dying breed or am I potentially a the pre-breed of the "deadbeat father"? Yes I am a dying breed and yes I am the pre-breed of the deadbeat father. The one thing that keeps me from metamorphosing in the lader is God. I recognize and love God too much to squander his blessings for me (Amaya and Zoe). God has entrusted me to help raise these girls and to send 2 beautiful women into the world and help make it a better place.
In the near future I will not be able to see my girls as much as I have fought to see them. I was told that there needs to be more "consistency" in their lives; which apparently I don't offer as good as a mother..??! So I am cherishing these last weeks of time that I have with my girls. My time with them will go from 50% down to 33%. Does this break my heart? Hell yes! Does this make me mad? Hell yes! But as my pastor teaches "You are never down! You are either up or getting up!" And yes this has definitely knocked me down but guess what?! I'm getting up! Thank you God for lifting me up above this trial. Thank you God for the journey, for without the journey there is no destination.
I will (thankfully) have my girls on Father's day and I'm going to take the time to thank God for them and for me. I love my girls with all that I am. And anyone who says or believes otherwise is sadly or purposely mistaken!
I am a present father.......