As I get older and greyer (haha) I continue to learn more about myself. I am still learning what makes me tick and what makes me tock. I think my list of pet peeves changes every single year. There are things that use to get on my nerves that I have just learned to deal with nowadays. With that said I think the thing that I need to work on is being slow to anger. I have read about this practice in the Bible and even heard about it in church. But I must admit that I always made an excuse whenever I would be quick to anger. A person's natural reaction is anger; imo. But is that the way that God wants us to be? Are there instances where even God excuses anger? My guess would be no. No, because nothing in life should rattle you to the core of your spirit besides love. Your temple should be heavily guarded to disallow anyone to peruse through it and steal your happiness. Or to give your happiness away willingly. I have definitely allowed people to steal my happiness and given my happiness away. So the task for the rest of this year is to be more even killed. To be more guarded with my feelings. To only allow people that invest in me to affect me. I can only blame myself for my anger therefore the fault stops at my doorstep. The difference this time is that the door is locked and only those who love me have a key to open it.
Be happy, be safe, and continue to learn.....and remember there is only one side to be on; the right side of God.
Be happy, be safe, and continue to learn.....and remember there is only one side to be on; the right side of God.