I am learning that there isnt always a right or wrong answer. You must make the most of the cards that you are dealt with and play that hand as if it were your last. Pray throughout the day and thank God for what you have been given. Cherish your children because one day they wont be children that you can mold anymore. Love beyong boundaries because love is not promised to everyone. And most of all laugh. Laugh at yourself, at others, and at your kids.
Become a reporter of your life. If you dont have a camera get one. If you dont have a web cam get one. If you dont have a blog start one. Because when you are gone you want people to remember you. You want to have a voice when your's cant be heard anymore. You want to tell people you love them when you cant anymore.
I am 34 years old now and the greys are steadily creeping into my profile. Some have told me to dye it, others have told me to cut it. But honestly I admire it. I admire the fact that I have came this far and God is still teaching me the right way to go.
I thank God for my family and friends. I thank everyone whom God has surrounded me with to enrich my life. I forgive all of my enemies and people that would much rather see me fail than succeed.
Drama only shortens your life. Jealousy only devalues your life. Violence only ends your life.
Love is the exact opposite of everything negative. Be a blessing and God will continue to bless you....