Thank you God for letting me see 2012. This past year has really taught me humility and what really matters in life. I think that at times (in my past) I got hung up on people and things that I just thought were either unfair or that I just wanted to manage and change. What I have come to realize is that any time that I spend on people that arent adding value to my life is time that I am spending on the sidelines.
I thank God that he has worked with me just letting things go and just letting God. I love my life and I love the people in it. There is nothing that I would change about it. Sometimes we spend too much time wishing we had more or wondering why we dont have the blessings that other people have. But honestly that blessing was meant for them and we all need to be steadfast on the fact that if you treat people right then your blessing will come also.
I can totally say that I am happy now. More happy than I have ever been. And I can see things clearer now. I can distain between lies and the truth. I can learn to accept that the more things change the more they stay the same. But not me. I will always strive to be what God wants me to be. And although I may falter at times at least I have the right people in my life to pick me back up and point me in the right direction.
To those people I say thank you.... and I love you!
I do have some solid goals for this year. I pray that God blesses those goals and weeds out the ones that I just dont need....