Sunday, December 27, 2009

Giving thanks for resolution.....

Thanksgiving's theme is Thankfulness, Christmas's them is Giving, and New Year's theme is Resolution. When you add the holiday season's themes up you get, "Giving thanks for resolution". Whether you believe that these holidays were man made or divine creations you cannot deny the power of the holiday season. Somehow they transform otherwise cold hearted, selfish, or even mean people into these robots of love and compassion. They make the transition of the fall to winter bearable. They make relationships mend and flourish; which is why there are so many June-August birthdays. So let's break this holiday theme down shall we?

  • Giving - the act of giving entails many avenues including: time, money, forgiveness, and love (just to name a few)

  • Thankfulness - the act of being thankful means that you take the time to thank the person(s) in your life that make it worth living. Thanking God for allowing you to continue your journey to fulfill his purpose for your life.

  • Resolution - resolutions are often used as scapegoats to mask the unchanging issues in our lives. We make unimaginable New Year's resolutions only because "everyone else does it". Truthfully resolution is a promise to make a change. Its an allegiance against the issue(s) in your life that you will no longer be a slave to and will overcome; at any cost. Many of us want resolution but don't want resolve (think about it and you'll get it).

Now that you know my take on the holiday theme what are you going to do about it? Repeat the theme as the clock strikes midnight for 2010. When you are repeating those words speak it in prayer and think of all the issues you have in your life, think of all the people that surround your life that have helped you through those issues, and lastly thank those people; for they are placed in your life by God!

Giving thanks for resolution.....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What up Tony?! Good friends are so hard to come by nowadays....haha

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sole Survivor

So last night as I was watching the season finale of Survivor Samoa 1 question resonated on the principle of who deserves to win the game. The question is:
  • "If you play the game with known intentions of lying, cheating, and stealing do you deserve to win seeing that you successfully turned everyone against each other?

Moreover, if you follow a person that lies, cheats, and steals do you deserve to win the game? What I noticed is that society punishes those who outwardly accept that role but for some strange reason we shoot a hall pass to those who follow those ring leaders. So who is really wrong? Is it more detrimental to wear your mal-intentions on your sleeve or to simply quietly follow that person and in the end "claim" that you did nothing wrong. Truth is we have all come into contact with a "Russell" in our travels. I think we all have wanted to knock the sh%t out of them at times. Truth is most of us have followed that person and just when the "jig was up" we put on our halos and acted as if we had nothing to do with the demise of others.

I apply this concept to my life directly. If I have a friend that is knowingly doing something wrong and I don't correct him for those wrongs then I am just as wrong. If you have a friend that you know is telling you lies about their personal life and you do nothing more than to be a sounding board then you are doing your friend an injustice. We can all smell a lie out of a stack of truths so why not call a spade a spade?!
If you keep up with my blog you know that I "tell it like it is". I don't "hold punches"; that includes punching myself at times. I would rather be surrounded by friends and family who accept me as I am (truthfully) and check me when I am in the wrong. I don't want to be around people that are merely sounding boards and don't help to guide me to what is truly right. Its like sheep leading sheep if that were the case.
So my assignment to you (and me) is to do a self-inventory of the company you keep.
  • Do they truly call you wrong when you are?
  • Are they adding any positiveness to your life?

If they aren't maybe in 2010 is the time to "make a trim"....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It is what it is....

Let's see what's been up in my life lately? I know that alot of my posts are loaded with subliminal messages and what not; most of which are not terribly positive. I think I need to change that. I think that when you seem to always be down or going through stuff it gives others around you the power over you. To be quite frank life is life. It's short and before you know it it's over. So while God is blessing me with this journey I want to start to enjoy it and "smell the roses".