Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's cruise....

So 2 weeks ago I bought a new motorcycle. This has been a dream of mine for over 10 years. It seems like every woman that I was ever involved with was adamantly against it so naturally I had to finally do something for me. Its funny how when you do things for you some people always have something to say about it. That's neither her nor there though in the grand scheme of things. I can only make me happy and I am so over trying to make everyone else happy.
So anyways back to my new toy! I got a 2008 Honda VTX 1800N. The "N" stands for Neo-Retro. It basically means that they are taking the styling from the old school cruisers and adding some new school technology. Its like a deep orange-red color and boasts 1795 cc's. It can definitely burn all of the HD's (Harley-Davidson) in its class. Its a big boy; which is what I wanted because those that know me know that I love to be spoiled and I get bored with new toys very easily (guess its the Gemini in me...haha).
Anyways I took the BRC (basic rider class) 3 weeks ago and I must say that if you have NEVER rode a bike you will feel right at home and by the end of the class (if you take it seriously and pay attention) you will know how to ride and maneuver a motorcycle.
Riding my bike is such a free feeling. Some days (when I dont have my babies) I hop on my bike and just ride my stresses away. I ride alone because none of my friends have bikes but I think I might like it like that. All you hear is the roar of the bike and God whistling in your ear.
Well on to some pics... oh and I wear my helmet ALL THE TIME!!

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