I think that sometimes in life it is easier to give in than to stand or to be mad than happy. I thank the people around me that truly love and support me. Mom and sissy thank you so much for those kind words regarding my last post. Those words definitely uplift me and continues to remind me who has been in my corner through thick and thin. Blood is always thicker than water and family is priceless!! God bless you too!!!
When you think you've lost you've won. God said to be slow to anger. and just stand he will fight all your battles. He did not bring you thus far to leave you . Have faith and wait on the Lord. He can and will supply all your needs this is his promise to his children, and you are Gods property. You matter to your Heavenly father, and to your family. Tomorrow is proof that God has a plan for you it's your birthday have a happy happy birthday! and Never give up on your Happy it's just around the corner. You matter. Love you much Mom