So the past few days have been extremely event-filled for me. This past week I was in ATL on business. I got a call from Melissa that Zoe needed to be taken to the ER for signs of a viral infection. So here I was sitting in the airport and couldn't be there to comfort my baby baby. I must admit that not being there to console your child is the most helpless feeling that a parent could feel. It is similar to when your wife is giving birth and you cannot take any of that pain away. Us men are put in odd situations at times in our lives. Anyways when I finally landed I rushed to the house and you could tell that Zoe had been through a long day. I felt so bad! The next day I decided to stay at home with her to make sure that everything was ok with her. Thank God she has bounced back like a champ. The weekend was really busy. On Saturday we attended the Tri-City Animal Shelter grand opening. I must admit that I am very proud of Melissa. She is very instrumental in her efforts and work with Cedar Hill and her hard work definitely shows. I think she found her calling in working in city government.
So after the shelter event we went to Damien's (frat bruh) 30th birthday party. That was really fun because I hadn't been to a good house party in a while. Aren't house parties so fun?! I mean there is nothing like laughs, food, drinks, and good friends. That has to be a perfect combination!
On Sunday we went to church and just hung out with the girls for the rest of the day. Going to church and spending quality family time on Sundays is always a great way to top off an eventful weekend.
So there you have it. That is the script that Shawn (me) played out for the past couple of days...
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