Why are children so smart but adults are so dumb? Are children closer to God than we are? Do we grow up and loose the amazement of the "7 wonders of the world", the "mystery in magic", or the "God-like love"? God teaches us the love is action not a word. God so loved the world that he gave (action) us his only son. Even Janet said "what have you done for me lately?"...haha. All jokes aside do us as adults loose the highlights of our spirit to only become these programmed individuals that spend so much time guarding ourselves from true love?
To find true love is not an act of receiving it. Its an act of giving it; boundlessly. Look at the way we love our children (well some of us). We love them unconditionally. So why do we place conditions on the people that helped us to make those little ones that remind us of love everyday? Why does love get lost in the shuffle of life? Why does love just become a cool song or a sensual fling in a summer night? Why does love get boxed in between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter? Why dont we love all the time? Why do we gamble with love? Why is it that when the loss of love is finally upon us we finally "straighten" up and want love to comfort us? We all do it, we all will continue to do it. My question is why.
The pastor had a great analogy of the love for God. See we walk around with our love for God as if it were a ticket. Yes our ticket into glory but we just treat it like an old ticket in our pocket. Why dont we covet that ticket? Why dont we look at the ticket everyday?
So here are the 4 points that the pastor discussed as the "Lessons of Love":
- Love reconciles (1 Corinthians 13:5)
- Love connects (loves moves us towards one another)
- Love serves (love is measured by the way we serve others and God)
- Love sacrifices (the greatness of love is determined by how much you are willing to sacrifice)
"Loose to become a blessing"...
All in all love is a constant in the world. It's like the air we breathe, its 2nd nature. But why isnt it 1st nature? Looking at my life I am tired of people telling me they love me and not showing me. Last night I watched the 1927 rendition of the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin". If you havent seen it I would urge you to find it and watch it. It shows you the misperceptions of love and more so how "we" were viewed then and even sometimes now. But overall the movie was a silent movie. Think if we have to go 1 day with silence. Could some of us even know how to show love? Or are we so use to saying it and not doing it. I will leave you with a short video of Amaya showing her mom that she loves her....PRICELESS
PRICELESS! That's what love is child like unconditoinal. 1 Corinthians/13 Exercise gifts with love. Love is long suffering,and kind Love envieth not; Love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Bearth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Love never faileth: As the Spinners sang the song It takes a fool to learn that Love don't love nobody We are suppose to exercise the gift that God gave us daily, uncondional as a child would. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world! God is Love. LOL GRANNY!