I want to take this time to thank all who have supported me. Through the ups and downs you have stood beside me, stood in front of me, shielded me, counseled me, humored me, consoled me, and loved me. Its not often that someone has people around them that see their worth even when they don't see it. I am not depressed in the least, just want to say thank you.
I was recently told that I was wrong for saying that at times I am lonely. That at times I feel that its me against the world. Well if being human is my deficiency then I guess ill be human. The past 3 years have taught me alot about perseverance and strength in people. You cannot depend on others to be strong for you. You cant depend on someone to make things right for you. Sometimes you have to stand on the feet that God gave you and weather the storm. God places obstacles in our life to test whether or not we really want to achieve the goal at hand. Sometimes its easier to give up that goal and choose another goal. The million dollar question is, "is your path predetermined or do you have a say so in it?". Not sure if I will never know that I answer but one thing I can say is thank you God for continuing to guide me in these uncharted waters. Thank you for keeping a light on at night for me to know that home is where the heart is and not where you lay your head. That love is eternal and some people just don't know how to love you...
All in all I am thankful. I am not depressed and I have much to be thankful and grateful for. As I take a deep breath, as I look into my beautiful daughters' eyes, as I look to the skies in amazement I know that I am truly blessed.
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