I really wished that my Easter was filled with nothing but joy but sadly it wasn't. There continues to be this struggle that I must deal with that tests my will to stay calm. I haven't figured out why some people's only intent in life is to disrupt my life and make every little transaction a struggle? Even on the day that the Lord arose and ascended into Heaven there are people in my life (let's be honest not people 1 person) that continues to fight with me. Continues to down talk me. Continues to make me go above and beyond just to prove that they can "make" me do something.
I have battled with this question lately. "Will God continue to bless a person even when they are not doing God's will? I use the term "God's will" very loosely because that can be anything from preaching his word to just simply being nice to someone. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not in the business of struggling with the "antagonist" in my life. That I am not trying to be in her business. That I am not trying to make that person's life a living hell. I am simply trying to live the best life I can live for my daughters.
Why is it that this person wont let me do the same? Some might say don't worry about it, "dust your shoulders off". This struggle continues to chip away at the goodness in me. It makes me want to follow the "eye for an eye" creed. It takes me off focus. It angers me! But even with that said I continue to appease. I continue to go past my boundary so this person wins. When will winning be enough? When will that person move on and follow God's plan; not their own?
I am not perfect. I have stated that in many of my posts. But one thing I know. People can hurt others with their words. I have left this struggle on the alter and I pray that God takes up my arms and fights this for me. For I can no longer fight or struggle with a person that has one intent when it comes to me. To make my life unsettled.....
Some have commented that my posts are dark or depressing. I am very happy and I love my life. But honesty isn't always pretty.
So now that Easter has passed take this time to reflect, resurrect, and renew. Let the people in your life go that have one malice intention. Reflect on all the glory that God has afforded you. Resurrect friendships and relationships with people who are worth the while. And renew your love in God, family, and friends who invest in you....
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