Have you ever said that you hated someone? I have, maybe more times than I should have. Hate is a very strong word that I believe is the fruit of an evil root inside oneself. Do I feel I have ever truly hated anyone? Unequivocally no! Some of my posts may elude that I hate her but honestly I don't. Do I see many of our interactions as 1/2 empty rather than 1/2 full? Yes. But does that make me a bad person? There are always multiple sides to a story and I admit that I am not always right. I speak the truth because I like for the truth to be set free. There are many people that walk in and out of our lives who never speak the truth to us. As disheartening as that may be; it's the truth.
I've been on this earth for 33 years and I can honestly say that at this point in my life that I am not influenced and led by anyone except for who I pray to every morning, noon, and night. I've been called a momma's boy, a dumb frat guy, and many other things in my time. Sometimes I get offended by what people have said about me but I have come to the conclusion that there are just going to be people in your life that will see you in a jaded view for as long as they walk this earth. And no that statement isn't for only one person!
I consider myself a work in progress. I don't profess to know and act accordingly in every situation. I do make mistakes and I would have it no other way. I've been questioned on why I "put my business" out for the world to see. My answer is that I have nothing to hide. I am a writer at heart and true writing is writing the truth. I look at the Oprah show and the books that are the top sellers are always the books that speak the truth. I find it ironic that the people that read those books are the same people that have an issue with me writing the truth about my life!
Bottom line my life and my words are just that. They are mine and no one can take that from me. I think that once you start muzzling yourself to appease others is the day that you stop living for the right reasons and start dieing for the wrong reasons.
Let go and let God.....and most of all be FREE
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