Friday, September 11, 2009

Daddy Daycare: Canadian Edition 1

Well Melissa is off to her annual ICMA conference this year in Quebec, Canada. So ya'll pray for me as I endeavour upon taking care of the girls for the next 6 days solo. Tonight was a pretty easy night, in that daycare took care of the divas for most of the day. I picked them up around 5pm and they both were in good spirits. Amaya has been battling a bad eczema outbreak (oral and topical meds) and Zoe is battling a bad eye cold. With that said the night went fairly well. Both girls are down and its just a little past 930pm. Not sure what I will do with them over the weekend especially considering that its raining here nonstop. Actually its supposed to rain here all weekend. All in all I love these moments that I have with my girls. They are unequivocally the love of my life and I cherish the time that I have with them. God thank you.

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