Saturday, September 12, 2009

Daddy Daycare: Canadian Edition 2

Well as the weather experts promised it rained ALL DAY today. And anyone who has children knows that a child with cabin fever is a parent pulling their hair out. A great remedy for a rainy Saturday was the Dallas Museum of Arts and Sciences. Your next question might be "Shawn that is for older kids" but my immediate response would be "do your homework". This museum has a children's museum (ages 0-7) that has a ton of things for the little ones to get into (a water room, a fake farm, imax, and a fake tunnel to simulate being a prairie dog). Amaya had the time of her life. There was one point when we were in the farm section and the key was to grab a sack and collect veggies; similar to what farmers do. Well Cheeky decides that the fake fruit would be much better used as a dodgeball and commences to throwing the veggies at other kids. Needless to say this started an uprising and before I knew it all of the kids were throwing fake veggies EVERYWHERE...haha. In the water room Amaya almost jumped all the way in the water! in the IMAX room Amaya decided that she wanted to get up and leave the theatre. And throughout all of this Zoe was as content as could be. In the end Amaya had a great time doing what she loves to do: yell, run, and just be a fun-loving little girl.
Overall today was a very long day. But no matter how difficult at times it was I enjoyed every minute of it. My advice is never let the rain wash your fun away....

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