Friday, October 21, 2011

Learn from life...

There are so many things that we can let into our lives that will not enrich it in the least. Sometimes we let work, friendships, relationships, and just plain stress get the best of us. What I have started to learn from life is something that I have known for over 20 years. You must learn from life and appreciate every moment of it. There are so many people that have passed on that dearly wished they had just one more day to smile, one more day to put their arms around a loved one, one more day to say i'm sorry. Shame on us for getting caught up in the hustle of life to not sit back and bask in the glory of God. The glory of the blessings that we are all afforded. The beauty that God surrounds and protects us with.
I am learning that there isnt always a right or wrong answer. You must make the most of the cards that you are dealt with and play that hand as if it were your last. Pray throughout the day and thank God for what you have been given. Cherish your children because one day they wont be children that you can mold anymore. Love beyong boundaries because love is not promised to everyone. And most of all laugh. Laugh at yourself, at others, and at your kids.
Become a reporter of your life. If you dont have a camera get one. If you dont have a web cam get one. If you dont have a blog start one. Because when you are gone you want people to remember you. You want to have a voice when your's cant be heard anymore. You want to tell people you love them when you cant anymore.
I am 34 years old now and the greys are steadily creeping into my profile. Some have told me to dye it, others have told me to cut it. But honestly I admire it. I admire the fact that I have came this far and God is still teaching me the right way to go.
I thank God for my family and friends. I thank everyone whom God has surrounded me with to enrich my life. I forgive all of my enemies and people that would much rather see me fail than succeed.
Drama only shortens your life. Jealousy only devalues your life. Violence only ends your life.
Love is the exact opposite of everything negative. Be a blessing and God will continue to bless you....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Overcoming negativity

I think it's easy for people to tell you to e positive. Honestly it takes more of an investment to be positive rather than negative. I think that almost every situation can be looked at from both mindsets. Overall I would classify myself as a pretty positive person but I am definitely mindful that I could view certain situations as negative. Anger is something that I have focused on controlling when people do things that I would never do. My words of today are "stay positive". Don't pray for revenge or equality. What is happening is supposed to happen. If you feel that someone has done something wrong to you take it as a learning lesson and change something about yourself or your situation to disallow it from happening ever again. That's what I'm going to do; stay positive.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chainging of the guards...

So i've heard this statement that people change every 10 years. Well as I approach my 34th birthday I can feel myself evolving; or needing to evolve. Sometimes I wonder if the person that I use to be is a better person than who I am today. I've always been taught to speak my feelings and make it easy for someone to read you. For a time in my life I changed that mindset and decided to be a high stakes poker face...haha. I wonder if I was a better person then? I wonder why most men arent forthcoming with the way they feel about situations? I wonder if im too forthcoming? Those are answers that I definitely dont have the answers to but am curious to find out about. I've always lived my life trying to make others around me comfortable. Or at least i'd like to think that I do. The past couple of years have been some enlightened years and they have really shown me who is willing and not willing to be here for me. I wonder if I was a millionaire would I have more people trying to comfort me in my time of need? Is it better to become a flat line of emotions or be this roller coaster ride of emotions? I think most people love to be around lively and energetic people but when that energy runs low who is really there to pick that person back up? A Gemini has been my excuse for my emotional trends. But is it something deeper? I find myself in public settings making a table full of people laugh but I wonder if I didnt open up would the table even talk? If I wanted someone else to make a joke would they? What if I wanted to be the laugher and not the joker? Would people question why i've changed? And honestly what's wrong with change? I tell you what's wrong with change....people dont like it. I think people get a feel for who your are and that becomes their comfort zone with dealing and enjoying you. If I were to change would anyone notice? Would it be a situation where everyone notices but no one says anything to me? And if I were to change would that be such a bad thing? I dont know....all I can do is put faith in God to lead me to change or stay the same. That is my decision and im sticking with it...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Attention Air Trvelers

Backpacks are no longer allowed for carryons. They are having screening issues.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Good morning old man winter....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The lessons never cease....

Although I have lived for 33 years and picked up many tools to help me in being a better man, father, and friend I know that I am still learning lessons. Everything does happen for a reason but that reason isn't always a good reason. The key is turning that bad happening into a good happening. Not looking at the glass as 1/2 full or empty but being thankful that God has given you a glass to partake of. There are so many twists and turns that hindsight has allowed me to see my mistakes that I have made. Unfortunately there are many more turns left on my road that will leave many more mistakes. With all that said I am learning to slow down and see situations, people, and opportunities for what they really are. Not everyone that enters your life's stage is meant to help you. Some characters or opportunities are meant to kill you. Not in the literal sense (hope not) but in a spiritual sense.
So how do you armor yourself to disallow a situation or person from killing your spirit? Well when you discover the fail safe method you let me know. I once read that forgiving another person is the greatest gift that you could give yourself. Mistakes will be made. Blessings will come. The question is where will you be in life when you are making that mistake or when you're receiving that blessing?
Preparation is the best way to brace for options. Our lives will never go as planned but they will go somewhere.
Just a few thoughts that have been running around my mind itching to get out..... Love

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


If I threw in the towel would it make a sound?
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